Map of the local innovation industry. Meet some of the best and newest startups based in Bangalore.
GPTs, personalized for you. Agency providing easy to use AI tools to small businesses.
Filling all your media needs. Brand Design, Digital Markting, Media Planning, Responsive Websites, Inbound Marketing, Tv Ad Design, Corporate Presentations, Video Marketing, Social Media marketing
Outbrain for videos Vozeal is a native video advertisement platform for brands and video content creators to find new users, get more views and expand their reach. Vozeal gives engagement tools for publishers to engage their web traffic with their youtube channels. This provides ...
We are an unique in-video discovery Tagos lets viewers explore video by touch, opening up whole new ways to interact, advertise, engage shop or learn. When a viewer watches content augmented by Tagos, he can click with the mouse or tap his finger to interact with a character, location or discover ...
Competitor analysis for video ads Vidadmetrix tracks hundreds of online video publishers and millions of video ads, thus providing video marketers with the tools to target their campaign. We let video marketers know what their competition is up to. In real-time. Optimization of online video campaigns ...